Gabe Newell obratio se danas korisnicima igračke mreže Steam sa novim podacima o prošlogodišnjem upadu u sistem, te još jednom zamolio igrače da posmatraju svoje transakcije i prijave banci sve što im se učini sumnjivim. Naime, izgleda da su zlonamerni provalnici ipak uspeli da se domognu barem jednog dokumenta sa brojevima kartica. Dobra vest? Potencijalno su ugroženi samo oni koji su Steam koristili pre 2009. godine.
Dear Steam Users and Steam Forum Users
We continue our investigation of last year's intrusion with the help of outside security experts. In my last note about this, I described how intruders had accessed our Steam database but we found no evidence that the intruders took information from that database. That is still the case.
Recently we learned that it is probable that the intruders obtained a copy of a backup file with information about Steam transactions between 2004 and 2008. This backup file contained user names, email addresses, encrypted billing addresses and encrypted credit card information. It did not include Steam passwords.
We do not have any evidence that the encrypted credit card numbers or billing addresses have been compromised. However as I said in November it's a good idea to watch your credit card activity and statements. And of course keeping Steam Guard on is a good idea as well.
We are still investigating and working with law enforcement authorities. Some state laws require a more formal notice of this incident so some of you will get that notice, but we wanted to update everyone with this new information now.
Free Games Gabe, freeeeeee games XD
OdgovoriIzbrišiAlien Swarm i TF2, Dex ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTo se ne racuna mora se nekako dusevna bol nadoknaditi XD Posteno bi bilo da svi igraci koji su obavili bar jednu kupovinu do dana kada je Steam hakovan imaju pravo na jednu besplatnu igru po svom izboru XD