Počela je Steam letnja rasprodaja, svi su zauzeti potragom za najvećim popustima i letnjim karticama za trejd, pa su paketići opravdano u zapećku. Možda je tako i bolje jer i vlada malo zatišje (posebno što se HB-a tiče), ali već sledeće nedelje očekujemo lagano buđenje bundle sajtova i nove ponude koje će nam puniti biblioteku Steam naslova do sledeće rasprodaje.
I ove nedelje HB ćuti kada su u pitanju standardni paketi, pa nam ostaje jedino da sačekamo 24. jun i vidimo šta nas očekuju u osam uveče.
Ovonedeljni HB paket je posvećen strateškim igrama i nosi vrlo domišljato ime - Humble Weekly Bundle Strategy:
Ovonedeljni HB paket je posvećen strateškim igrama i nosi vrlo domišljato ime - Humble Weekly Bundle Strategy:
Osnovni paket (minimalna cena - 1 $):
- Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves (Steam)
- Stronghold Crusader Extreme HD (Steam)
- Cubetractor (Steam)
BTA paket (minimalna cena - 6 $):
- Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign (Steam)
- Eador: Masters of the Broken World (Steam)
- Space Hulk (Steam)
Specijalni paket (minimalna cena - 9 $):
- Ironclad Tactics (Steam)
- Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves (Steam)
- Stronghold Crusader Extreme HD (Steam)
- Cubetractor (Steam)
BTA paket (minimalna cena - 6 $):
- Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign (Steam)
- Eador: Masters of the Broken World (Steam)
- Space Hulk (Steam)
Specijalni paket (minimalna cena - 9 $):
- Ironclad Tactics (Steam)
The Beautiful Game Bundle:
- New Star Soccer 5 (Steam)
- Lords of Football (Steam)
- Lords of Football: Eastern Europe DLC (Steam)
- Lords of Football: Super Training DLC (Steam)
- Lords of Football: United States DLC (Steam)
- FootLOL: Epic Fail League (Steam)
- Actua Soccer 3 (Steam)
- Canyon Capers (Steam)
- Canyon Capers: Rio Fever DLC (Steam)
The Arkania Bundle:
- Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny HD (Steam)
- Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny HD For the Gods DLC (Steam)
- Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny Classic (Steam)
- Realms of Arkania 2: Star Trail Classic (Steam)
- Realms of Arkania 3: Shadows Over Riva Classic (Steam)
Dva nova paketa na Groupees sajtu: prvi od njih - Crack Games + Techno ima i posebnog značaja jer deo od prodaje ide u humanitarne svrhe, preciznije kao pomoć za poplavljenja područja u Srbiji i BiH. Minimalna cena je jedan dolar, a po želji možete priložiti i više novca. Drugi paket je novi Build a Greenlight Bundle (i to sedmi po redu) u kome svaka igra košta 25 centi (minimum je četiri igre), a Steam ključeve ćete dobiti kad i ako igra bude objavljena na Steam-u.
Crack Games + Techno:
Osnovni paket (minimalna cena - 1 $):
- Speedball 2 HD (Steam)
- Retro Arcade Adventure Remade (Desura)
- Chester (Desura)
- Dynablaster Revenge (DRM-free)
- Retro Arcade Adventure Remade (Desura)
- Chester (Desura)
- Dynablaster Revenge (DRM-free)
Build a Greenlight Bundle 7:
Osnovni paket (minimalna cena - 1 $ za 4 igre):
- Attractio (Desura)
- Tallowmere (DRM-free)
- Wooden Floor (Desura)
- Deity Quest (Desura)
- InSynch (DRM-free)
- Urban War Defense (Desura)
- The Tiny Tale 2 (DRM-free)
- Siralim (DRM-free)
- BONUS: Deity Quest (Android)
- BONUS: Virus Jigglin` Fever (Desura + Android)
Četrnaesti debitantski paket na IndieRoyale, The Debut 14 Bundle kao i uvek sastoji se samo od igara koje se trenutno nalaze u Greenlight programu:
Osnovni paket (trenutna cena - 4.07 $):
- Sushi Bar Express (Desura)
- Aquadelic GT (Desura)
- The Moon Sliver (Desura)
- Steam & Metal (Desura)
- Virus Jigglin` Fever (Desura)
- Football Director (Desura)
- ???
Gotovo standardna postavka za IndieGala: nedeljni paket ponedeljkom, Greenlight paket sa dosta igara za sitne novce koje tek treba da prođu kroz ovaj program i specijalni vikend paket.
Monday Bundle
Osnovni paket (minimalna cena - 1.69 $):
- Rage Runner (Steam)
- Cognition: Episode 2 (Steam)
- Overcast: Walden and the Werewolf (Steam)- Cognition: Episode 2 (Steam)
- Hoard Complete (Steam)
- Inescapable (Steam)
- Toki Tori (Steam)
- Crazy Belts (Desura)
Greenlight Bundle
Osnovni paket (minimalna cena - 1 $):
- Astro Emporia (Desura)
- Soul Gambler (Desura)
- International Snooker (Steam)- Soul Gambler (Desura)
- Luna`s Wandering Stars (Desura)
- Magic Meisters (Desura)
- Song of the Myrne: What Lies Beneath (Desura)
- ONE DAY for Ched (Desura)
- Data Hacker Initiation (Desura)
- Stingray (DRM-free)
- Yrminsul (Desura)
- ???
- ???
Friday Special Bundle
Osnovni paket (minimalna cena - 1.89 $):
- Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre (Steam)
- Cult of the Wind (Steam)
- Cognition: Episode 1 (Steam)
- Victim of Xen (Steam)
- IHF Handball Challenge 12 (Steam)
- Mr. Bree+ (Steam)
- Yuri (Desura)
Paywuw je predstavio novi simulacijski paket:
- Agricultural Simulator 2013 (Steam)
- Airport Simulator 2014 (Steam)
- Towtruck Simulator 2015 (Steam)
- Woodcutter Simulator 2013
BTA paket (minimalna cena - 9.99 $):
- Professional Farmer 2014 CE (Steam)
- Historical Farming + Farming Giant (Steam)
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