Prošlonedeljni PC & Android 8 paket je u utorak dopunjen bonus igrama za BTA kupce. Među njima nema ničega spektakularnog (dve igre koje su već ranije bile u paketima, plus jedna nova, ali ispodprosečna), a trenutna ponuda izgleda ovako:
Osnovni paket (minimalna cena - 1 $):
- Little Inferno (Steam)
- Gemini Rue (Steam)
- AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome (Steam)
- Jack Lumber (Steam)
- Gemini Rue (Steam)
- AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome (Steam)
- Jack Lumber (Steam)
BTA paket (trenutna cena - 4.41 $):
- Hero Academy + kod za sve DLC-ove (Steam)
- Anomaly 2 (Steam)
- The Bard`s Tale (Steam)
- Bad Hotel (Steam)
- Solar 2 (Steam)
- Anomaly 2 (Steam)
- The Bard`s Tale (Steam)
- Bad Hotel (Steam)
- Solar 2 (Steam)
Eksperiment sa Steam ključevima samo za BTA kupce u nedeljnom paketu je završen, a ove nedelje je predstavljen Penny Arcade paket sa kojim se vraćamo na staru postavku sa Steam ključevima za oba platežna razreda. Pored igara u oba nivoa se nalaze i Penny Arcade stripovi, pa ako ste ljubitelj istih imate razlog više za kupovinu:
Osnovni paket (minimalna cena - 1 $):
- On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One (Steam)
- On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two (Steam)
- On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two (Steam)
BTA paket (minimalna cena - 6 $):
- Penny Arcade`s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 (Steam)
- Penny Arcade`s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4 (Steam)
- Penny Arcade`s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 (Steam)
- Penny Arcade`s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4 (Steam)
Na Groupees sajtu je i dalje aktuelan novogodišnji dobrotvorni paket, ali šanse da bude otključan bonus su sve tanje jer je prikupljeno tek 36 % od tražene sume, a paket je u ponudi još desetak dana.
Osnovni paket (minimalna cena za dve igre - 1 $):
- Blood of the Werewolf (Steam)
- Driftmoon (Steam)
- Gateways (Steam)
- Gentlemen! (Steam)
- Avernum: Escape from the Pit (Steam)
- Ethan: Meteor Hunter (DRM-free)
- Doctor Who: The Adventure Games - Season 1 (Steam)
- Draw a Stickman: EPIC (Steam)
- 9.03m (Steam)
Ako požurite možda ćete još uspeti da kupite Codemasters paket jer traje još svega par sati, dok je Limited paketa ostalo još 622 komada. IndieGala u ponudi trenutno ima 2 tzv. mini paketa sa po 10 igara, ali ni cene ni sadržaj ne izgledaju previše primamljivo.
The Mega Bundle
BTA paket (minimalna cena - 3.99 $):
- Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons & Donuts (Desura)
- Twin Sector (Steam)
- Pacific Storm (Steam)
- Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood (Steam)
- RIP Trilogy (Steam)
- Deadly 30 (Desura)
- APOX (Desura)
- Gear Grinder (Desura)
The Magic 10 Bundle
BTA paket (minimalna cena - 3.99 $):
- Nikopol: Secret of the Imortals (Steam)
- Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood (Steam)
- Vigil: Blood Bitterness (Steam)
- Wasteland Angel (Steam)
- Post Apocalyptic Mayhem (Steam)
- Scratches: Director`s Cut (Steam)
The Mega Bundle
Osnovni paket (minimalna cena - 0.99 $):
- Unstoppable Gorg (Desura)
- Post Apocalyptic Mayhem (Steam)
- Post Apocalyptic Mayhem (Steam)
BTA paket (minimalna cena - 3.99 $):
- Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons & Donuts (Desura)
- Twin Sector (Steam)
- Pacific Storm (Steam)
- Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood (Steam)
- RIP Trilogy (Steam)
- Deadly 30 (Desura)
- APOX (Desura)
- Gear Grinder (Desura)
The Magic 10 Bundle
Osnovni paket (minimalna cena - 0.99 $):
- Avencast: Rise of the Mage (Steam)
- Post Mortem (Steam)
- Future Wars (Steam)
- Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes (Steam)
- Post Mortem (Steam)
- Future Wars (Steam)
- Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes (Steam)
BTA paket (minimalna cena - 3.99 $):
- Nikopol: Secret of the Imortals (Steam)
- Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood (Steam)
- Vigil: Blood Bitterness (Steam)
- Wasteland Angel (Steam)
- Post Apocalyptic Mayhem (Steam)
- Scratches: Director`s Cut (Steam)
BundleStars je reaktivirao stari The High Octane Bundle, tematski paket u kome za 4.01 $ dobijate šest Steam igara..
- Clutch (Steam)
- Crash Time 2 (Steam)
- Death Track: Ressurection (Steam)
- Metal Drift (Steam)
- Post Apocalyptic Mayhem (Steam)
- Wasteland Angel (Steam)
Još jedan novi-stari paket je u aktuelnoj ponudi: The Blaze of Glory Bundle, takođe sa šest Steam igara i to za 3.53 $.
- Commander: Conquest of the Americas Gold (Steam)
- WWIII: Black Gold (Steam)
- KnightShift (Steam)
- East India Company Gold (Steam)
- WWII Panzer Claws 1 & 2 (Steam)
- Pirates of Black Cove Gold (Steam)
- Crash Time 2 (Steam)
- Death Track: Ressurection (Steam)
- Metal Drift (Steam)
- Post Apocalyptic Mayhem (Steam)
- Wasteland Angel (Steam)
Još jedan novi-stari paket je u aktuelnoj ponudi: The Blaze of Glory Bundle, takođe sa šest Steam igara i to za 3.53 $.
- Commander: Conquest of the Americas Gold (Steam)
- WWIII: Black Gold (Steam)
- KnightShift (Steam)
- East India Company Gold (Steam)
- WWII Panzer Claws 1 & 2 (Steam)
- Pirates of Black Cove Gold (Steam)
IndieRoyale nam je ponudio The Debut Bundle 8 sa isto toliko Desura igara koje su sve i u Greenlight programu, pa se možemo nadati i Steam ključevima ako budu odabrane. Cena paketa je fiksirana na 1.99 $.
- Murder in the Hotel Lisbon (Desura)
- Claustrophobia: The Downward Struggle (Desura)
- Hero Siege (Desura)
- Millennium 3 - Cry Wolf (Desura)
- Love (Desura)
- One Way Heroics (Desura)
- Where Angels Cry (Desura)
- ???
- Claustrophobia: The Downward Struggle (Desura)
- Hero Siege (Desura)
- Millennium 3 - Cry Wolf (Desura)
- Love (Desura)
- One Way Heroics (Desura)
- Where Angels Cry (Desura)
- ???
Flying New Year paket ima dva razreda, mešavinu Desura i Steam ključeva, a sve to traje još nešto jače od osam dana.
Tier 1 (minimalna cena - 1 $)
- Agricultural Simulator 2011: Extended Edition (Steam)
- An Alien with a Magnet HD (Desura)
- Garshasp: Temple of the Dragon (Steam)
- Uprising 44: The Silent Shadows (Desura)
- ???
Tier 2 (minimalna cena - 3 $)
- Block Story (Desura)
- InMomentum (Steam)
- RoboBlitz (Steam)
- Rune Classic (Steam)
- Scaraboar (Steam)
Uzeh Driftmoon i Gateways sa ovog Groupees paketa. Driftmoon je navodno solidan i relativno dugačak lite RPG, a još tek treba da se pojavi na Stimu.